Hello All
What a relief it is to have the first batch of fuel across to the ice shelf. The vessel was not comfortable against the ice shelf yesterday with the swell running onto the shelf. We persevered and managed to pump the majority of the required fuel across.
We the left, after having a long day, on the SAWS buoy run thinking that there will be little to no sea ice to deal with...surprise, surprise. We ran along the edge of the pack ice westerly for quite some time thinking that we will find a gap to go through at normal sea speed, but this was not going to hope and between two and ten this morning we were back to normal 4 knot ice navigation though 3/10 multiyear and broken bay ice. There was enough water between the pieces of ice to make way but crossing more dense sections slowed us right down due to their thickness and density.
We are now in open water and are expecting to remain in open water for the remainder of the buoy run. We should be at South Thule Island by the 5th.
Have a relaxing Sunday.
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